Amphetamine Syntheses: Industrial

Amphetamine Syntheses (1998) was a global blockbuster. The new and improved Industrial edition is now available, jam packed with state of the art drug chemistry, hot new formulas written by some of the greatest minds of the 20th century. Small town mom and pop labs across America to the multi-ton labs of global organized crime, how they make drugs and what they use to make them. Otto has put together the most explicit syntheses on the bulk production of psychedelic amphetamines, precursors and reductions. MDA, MDMA (XTC), DOB, TMA, PMA, MDEA (Eve), DOM (STP) & other popular stimulants, eg. methylcathinone, phenetermine, aminorex, ephedrine. It is easy reading yet, explicit, hardcore, psychedelic amphetamine chemistry. eg. Methylcathino
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