Amphetamine [Blu-ray]

- Making-of (30 mins) & 12 deleted scenes (totaling 18 mins)
- Berlin International Film Festival off-shot footage
- Body Painting demonstrated by Thomas Price and Byron Pang
- Interviews with musicians Yu Yat Yiu and Ho Shan
- MV for the concept theme song "Broken Bridge"
Title: Amphetamine (HK 2010 movie Blu-Ray)
Director: SCUD
Starring: Leung Man Yee, Peng Guan Qi, Bai Zi Xuan, Su Mei
Region Free
Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin
English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
DVD Audio:
DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby Digital 5.1, Uncompressed PCM 5.1
Running Time:
TBA minutes
NTSC (Please ensure your BD player is compatible)
Rating: (out of reviews)